Re: spinbutton behaviour and key bindings for treeview

On Apr 5, 2005, at 6:52 PM, BoÅtjan ÅpetiÄ wrote:

... ok, it's key_release, but i guess it's irrelevant?

maybe, maybe not.  why did you choose release?

mmm... just so that nothing happens if i hold the key instead of simply hitting it... i don't like it if holding button means consecutive actions...

if you delete the selected row, there is now no selection, and the handler does nothing on the next call, so key repeat is harmless.

Here's a working example i just cooked up:

tnx, i've corrected the keycodes part as you and Torsten suggested but... pressing delete while editing a cell still trigers the event and the $selection also returns a proper $iter, so the code still wants to delete the row... :)

... but it works properly with key_press_event though .... interesting...

it looks like GtkEntry's default key-press handler returns TRUE to stop propagation, but its key-release handler does not. so, the press doesn't bubble up to the tree, but the release does. which case it would not be irrelevant which one you choose.

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