Re: transparent layer over image


if you already have XS code in your module, then it will be much easier for you to draw on the image in C.

After insert #include "gtk2-perl.h" in my *.xs, system cannot find path for header files like gperl.h or gtk/gtk.h (bit i see it *.h files in /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi/Gtk2)
... :(

you can pass the GdkPixbuf to your xsub, draw on it in C (where there is no need to copy data, unpack/pack pixels, and all that mess), and then display the pixbuf from perl.

it's nice way, but i has some error... :(

to do this you'll need to #include <gtk2perl.h> in your XS file, so that your code will know how to extract the GdkPixbuf* from the Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf reference. you can use ExtUtils::Depends to find the necessary CFLAGS and typemaps.



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