Re: Gtk2::Ex::Simple::(List|Tree)

On Oct 26, 2004, at 6:14 AM, Vincent LADEUIL wrote:

'get_selected_indices' is not implemented in Simple::Tree.

get_selected_indices() returns a flat list of integers which are indices into a single-level list. this doesn't make much sense in a multi-level tree, hence, it's not implemented. something like it could be made, but it would necessarily have to return different data (possibly a list of TreePaths or TreeIters), making it somewhat less Simple.

On  a  different  topic,  I  have  defined  a  new  CellRenderer:
CellRendererTextCompletion,  derived from  CellRendererText which
implements completion functionality.
- define a property for the renderer. Looks like only columns can
  be used. In the case of a completion, this is inadequate.

if you mean a TreeViewColumn attribute, then yes, that's how it works.

- try to define a 'new' subroutine. Can't get it to work, I don't
  understand why  S::(L|T) can inherit from  Gtk2::TreeView via a
  simple   ISA   but  CellRendererText   insist   on  using   the
  Glib::Object::Subclass mechanism.

because if you want to create new signals/properties or override C vfuncs, you *must* replace the GTypeClass with your own at the C level; this is what Glib::Object::Subclass does for you, and what conventional perl object derivation cannot do.

the basic problem is that the CellRenderer methods RENDER, START_RENDERING, etc, are virtual methods called from deep within gtk+. gtk+ looks up what C function to call in the GTypeClass (essentially a vtable) of the CellRenderer instance. if you just use normal perl derivation for the subtype, there's no way to route that call through your perl code. by using Glib::Object::Subclass, a new GType gets created for your object, and that GType carries with it a vtable that marshals those virtual method calls to perl.

SimpleList/SimpleTree don't do this because they don't need to -- because your perl code initiates the relevant method calls. custom CellRenderers and TreeModels simply will not work without Subclass, because the perl code you want called must be triggered from C.

you can still define a new() for your CellRenderer class, but SimpleList/SimpleTree will not pass parameters to it.

Anyway as SLT only provide a way to define the *type* of the renderer and not an instance or a sub returning an instance of a renderer...

the callback approach would be pretty interesting; at the risk of feature creep, we could have the tree construction code check whether the renderer type key is ref($val) eq 'CODE'...

In the  end, I  just build  an SLT, access  the renderer,  set the
completion model, and associate it to the underlying Entry widget
in  START_EDITING. I  just  wonder  if things  can  be done  more

you do need to create a new editable in each invocation of START_EDITING, so that's alright. you could avoid common work by placing that in INIT_INSTANCE or set_completion_model(). in fact, i see that you load a PhD::TBL, but don't see where you use it; is that something important?

also, do you really want to use the same completion model for every row in a column? how are you creating that model? is it something that could be placed in INIT_INSTANCE, or are you filling it with external data?

"that's it! you're a genius!" "yes. that's what i think. do you think i deserve a raise?"
        - dialogue from 'Godzilla versus Mothra', 1964

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