RE: Segmentation Fault when trying to make Glib 1.06

John Ellis said:
        Test returned status 0 (wstat 11, 0xb)

this usually means that the test program segfaulted before anything else. 
unfortunately this is hiding stdout from us.  it appears that you managed to
get the shared object built, but you can't load it, either to run a test or to
query the runtime for documentation information.

try this set of commands:

  $ script   # to capture all of the output in this session to a file
  $ gdb perl
  ...(eventually you'll get a prompt)...
  (gdb) run -Mblib t/1.t
  ...(perl will load, run, and then crash)...
  (gdb) backtrace
  ...(lots of text that will be interesting to us)...
  (gdb) quit
  $ exit   # to stop the script shell

this will create a file called typescript; please email that to us.

the gdb command "run -Mblib t/1.t" is the same as doing "perl -Mblib t/1.t"
from your shell; this executes only that test, outside of the test harness. 
the test harness traps some of the output of the test script, but in this
situation i'd like to know how far along the test script got before it bombed.

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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