Re: test failures and TestHelper update

muppet said:

Ross McFarland said:

just commited trivial changes to TestHelper so that it ignores noinit on
systems where gtk+'s version is < 2.2.0. those older versions require that
init to be called before doing pretty much anything.

would not a better solution than ignoring noinit would be simply to skip all
if noinit is supplied and Gtk2->check_version(2,2,0) fails?

that would at least allow a CPAN install without DISPLAY set, without having
to force the install with failed tests.

the code i introduced doesn't try to skip init on those (older) system. it
_always_ trys to init as if the noinit option wasn't specifed (it just deletes
the option key.) so if there's not DISPLAY it will try to init, then skip
_all_ tests b/c it couldn't init. (in as will every single test on those
system) so this should fix CPAN on such systems rather than break it. it
wouldn't of been working until this (there were some noinits before i added
the massive amount of them that would of broken it)


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