Re: Perl-Glib and libsoup issues

On Friday, April 30, 2004, at 03:31 AM, Sameer VK wrote:

: did you use gperl.h or your own XS glue?

My own - well, SWIG + some stuff from perlcall.

gtk2-perl provides lots of nifty things to make writing bindings for glib-based libraries really easy. check out the links under the "Binding Developers" section at . essentially, you write some pure XS, and Glib provides typemaps for GLib's types, and some tools and conventions for automating the process.

if you're not trying to share data and objects between your lib and perl, then it's less of an issue, but in my experience, the gtk2-perl tools save a lot of work.

0 Perl script              --> use Glib; MainLoop->run happens here
1 Perl interface to o_http --> XS/Perl API
2 C++ library (o_http)     --> C++ call to send/recv HTTP msgs.
3 libsoup-1.99.26          --> IOChannel for async HTTP reqs.
4 libglib-2.0              --> C mainloop run

if that's roughly equivalent to a stack trace, it looks you're using a blocking call which creates its own mainloop. since you said you're not using the soup to run the main loop, you must be doing that in your wrapper. is that correct?

Given that the main_loop seems to be running, is there a chance the callback to send the HTTP request is not being called?

at this point, there are so many unknowns and so many ways to do it that i really can't help you any more without seeing the code.

I see a g_idle_add in soup-message.c (sets up soup_idle_handle_new_requests). I have a perl-Glib timer running every second to allow Perl to process any signals. Could that be a problem?

i presume you mean async IPC signals, not GObject signals. no, that shouldn't cause any problem at all.

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