Re: Some beginner's questions

Daniel Kasak wrote:
I'm back again after a reasonable break in which I struggled more with MS Access. I've got Glade-2 up and running, and I want to use Gtk2::GladeXML ( which is also working ).

The instructions say I can use:

I assume the [PACKAGE] is referring to a Perl package which contains some functions or subs or whatever ... but I'm not sure how to turn my code into a package. Can I just create a file: and then refer to it, eg:
or something like that.

Is that what I'm supposed to do?

Sorry. Perl beginner :) I've done some db-maintenance stuff, but nothing complicated.

While I'm at it, are there any gotchas ( with Perl GTK2 ) I should be aware of when moving this stuff to Windows? I'm attemting the initial development under Linux, but will have to deploy on Windows for now.


When it refers to packages it refers to Perl's packages, you are correct. They're namespaces. 'perldoc -f package' and 'man perlmod' for more info.

For starters I would just suggest using main. e.g.


There are a couple of Gtk2::GladeXML tutorials available, you should be able to find them in the list archives.

Can't answer the Windows questions as I've never used gtk2-perl with it.


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