Re: rpm's

"Joe" == Joe Smith <jes martnet com> writes:

I know I can just rm the usual suspects under
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl, but isn't there a list of installed files
kept somewhere?

perl -MExtUtils::Installed -le 'my $i=ExtUtils::Installed->new; print join "\n",$i->files("Gtk2");'

Surely there is some clean way to remove a perl package.

If you still have the Makefile from which it was installed (and that
Makefile was created by MakeMaker), it should have an uninstall
target. If there's a better general way, I don't know it. If you're
using FreeBSD and installed Perl from ports you can use pkg_delete as
usual, but that's a FreeBSD-particular hack.
                    Calle Dybedahl <calle lysator liu se>
        "Just about anything can be done if you are demented enough."
                -- Christopher C. Petro, scary.devil.monastery

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