subclassing problem...


  me again, with another stupid problem....

  in the process of creating my logwindow, i found it annoying that the
  standard text buffer doesn't have per default the add text methods and
  the bahaviour to scroll to the end of the buffer, and this without to
  have to fiddle with indexes or other marks...

  so i subclassed the textbuffer.... and got scrapped at the

  made something like this:

our @ISA = qw(Gtk2::TextBuffer);
sub new 
  my ($fs,$hashref,$tagtable) = @_;
  my $obj_ref;
  $obj_ref = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new($tagtable);
  #$obj_ref = SUPER::new($tagtable);

  bless $obj_ref, "POE::Helper::LogView";

  return $obj_ref;
}# sub new 

now like this it works, but its highly unsatisfactory that the version
with SUPER doesn't.... anyone care to explain me why?

ciao bboett
bboett adlp org

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