Re: possible to change the icon of the messageDialog?

On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 13:56, Bruno Boettcher wrote:

  as the title says... is it possible to change the icon the
  messagedialog uses?

  or alternativley does anyone allready have a code snippet of a nice
  about box?

Here's how I do an about box, I nicked the original from someplace else,
I can't remember where. 



# About box
sub about
    my $about = new Gtk2::Dialog;
    my $label = new Gtk2::Label;
    my $markup = <<"    END";

        <span weight="bold" size="large">Burn Audio CDs</span>

        Read XMMS playlists
        Decode MP3s
        Burn audio CDs

        Copyright (c) 2003 Jeff Mock
        jeff\ mock com


    $markup =~ s/\n */\n/gs;

    $about->add_buttons('gtk-ok' => 0);
        Gtk2::Image->new_from_stock('gtk-cdrom', 'large-toolbar'),
        FALSE, FALSE, 0);
    $about->vbox->pack_start($label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
    $about->signal_connect(response => sub { $about->destroy(); });

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