Re: drag and drop with clist

Mike Nielsen <miken bigpond net au> writes:

Well done!

Would you mind posting a sample of how you made it work?

If you'd like a complete program,  I think I could be convinced
to upgrade the clist example at:

which is what I've been using to learn from or something else.

Otherwise, here are the necessary parts:

$clist->set_reorderable($true); # allow drag/drop
$clist->signal_connect('row_move', \&RowMove );

sub RowMove {
  my ($widget,$row_from,$row_to) = @_;
  my @chunk=splice @AoA, $row_from, 1; # extract piece
  splice @AoA, $row_to, 0, @chunk;     # put it back

In this case, @AoA has my application data which I need to
keep in the same order as the displayed list.

This is only lightly tested, but it seems to be doing the job.
Its so simple, I don't know why everything else I looked at
seemed so complicated.

Dan Espen                           E-mail: dane mk telcordia com

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