Re: A little tie magic

* Bjarne Steinsbø <bosteins broadpark no> [2003-12-08 12:30]:
Maybe I should add proper sanity checks to this code and a
bunch of tests and up it to CPAN?

By all means do that.  Your solution might be exactly what
somebody else has been looking for.  There is already
Tie::Watch, which is somewhat close (in principle) to what you
are doing, but they are sufficiently different (IMO) that there
is room for both.

Ah, that's what it's called.. I overlooked that one. I think I'll
have another look before I make any moves, this is probably a
very commonly needed wheel. I don't particularly like the ::Watch
interface, either..

It's all a matter of design choices.  After all, TIMTOWTDI.
All of them (or least most of them :-) equally valid.  In this
case, compare the syntax of a specialized way:

 $button->bind_variable (\$but_state);

to the syntax of a generalized way:

 tie $but_state, 'Tie::NotifyScalar', sub { $button->set_active ($_[1] }, sub { $button->get_active };

Does the simplified syntax warrent the "pollution" of Gtk?  In
my view it probably does, but I have no problems accepting that
others might feel different.  Which is why I asked the list...

True enough that the generic syntax is unwieldly; how about a single
helper function that implements this mechanism in terms of a tied
variable? The syntax would change slightly -

  gtk2_bind_variable($button, \$but_state);

and the function would look at the class of $button to determine
which callbacks to use. You wouldn't need to inject any code in
the Gtk2 classes and the syntax is just as concise.

"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

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