Re: Problems on Gtk2->init

well my best guess at what is going on has something to do with the fact
that perl on slackware 9.0 is compiled with no threading support and
gtk/glib/gthread is compiled with pthreads. now as to exactly what is
happening i don't have a clue. it is making from perl down to C just
fine, but once there it never comes back. doing things like printing to
stderr in the t files cause completely different behavior. than removing

is there some reason that perl on slackware has no threading enabled? is
there something special about slackware that causes them to take this
approach. i tried removing the -pthread option from the libs and cflags
of the pkg-config answers for gthread-2.0 and gtk+-2.0 and nothing
changed, didn't think it would but just felt like trying.

this is an old message but it references the lack of pthreads on
slackware, surely that's been addressed by now:

there's another thing or two i'm going to look at, but after that i'm
running out of things to try. since simple things like adding print's
seems to change the behavior completely it doesn't surprise me that one
version would work and another not. 


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