Re: pb mixing POE and Gtk::GladeXML

On Sun, 2002-04-28 at 13:15, Stéphane Payrard wrote:

I have a program that reads XML written by glade to build his GUI.
When I uncomment POE, I get errors.
Does anyone knwo how to mix  POE and Gtk::GladeXML?
I will try to generate with glade a GtkApp instead of a GnomeApp.
<snip />

I has problems using POE and Gnome together and eventually gave up
because I found a work around that didn't require POE or threads.  What
are you trying to solve with POE?  I wanted POE to keep tight loops of
code from blocking the rest of the application.  My solution was to
include the following line inside the loop:

Gtk->main_iteration while (Gtk->events_pending);

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