On 02/22/01 Gregory S Hayes wrote:
It runs great, but I did have several questions come to my mind when
developing it. Is there a way to append the glade file to the end of
your script and access it with Gtk::GladeXML? Also is there a way to

Yep, you can put the glade data in a __DATA__ section and load it
$glade = new_from_memory Gtk::GladeXML(join("",<DATA>));

(this requires a fix I just committed to cvs).

"auto scroll" a scrolled window (you may need to see the program to
understand what I mean)? 

You can get the adjustment from a Gtk::ScrolledWindow, for example,
and set the new value in it.
Guessing the new value to use is the tricky part....

Is there a way to hide a filedialog before the
on_filedialog_ok_button_clicked handler completes?

I don't undesrtand: can't you hide it in the handler?

The app can be found at

This code:
$canvas->style->bg('normal', $canvas->style->black);
is wrong, because it changes the style for many widgets (the style is
shared): you have to copy it instead:

$newstyle = $canvas->style->copy;
$newstyle->bg('normal', $canvas->style->black);


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