Can't find signals for...

Hello again.

I have two questions about signals.

1. I have a Gtk::Combo object. For example:
$combo = new Gtk::Combo;

I set items (with set_popdown_strings) and I want to know when one of these
items has been selected. O try to connect with "selection_request_event" and
other all with "select" in their names. F.e.:
$combo->entry->signal_connect("selection_request_event", sub { print "sel ";
But I can't find signal to catche this action (never prints "sel"). Signal
"activate" doesn't work too. What should I do?

2. I have to catch a "key_press_event" (or another one who does that): I
have a Gtk::Editable object and I want to check for the text in it after any
character was typed. I do:
$text->signal("key_press_event", sub { &foo(); });
It works, but not as I want to. It checks for a text without typed character,
it means before the character is added to the buffer. So what shoud I to if
I want to have the character I typed and then call any sub?

Thanks a lot.

Martynas Jocius

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