Re: [Gtk-osx-users] Font and Theme Warnings

On Jun 17, 2011, at 1:07 AM, Chris Share wrote:

> Hi,
> In porting Guitarix from Linux to OSX I'm getting a couple of warnings:
> Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap"
> Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "URW Chancery L Medium Italic Not-Rotated 12", falling back to "Sans Medium Italic Not-Rotated 12", expect ugly output.
> At this stage, the first warning doesn't seem to be a problem however the second one is messing up the keyboard shortcuts.
> Are these fixable and if so, how?

By "messing up the keyboard shortcuts", do you mean that they look ugly in the menu, or that they don't work? If they don't work, then it has nothing to do with fonts or pango.

The first one would be fixed by your adding the required theme engine to your build and the second by finding out why that font is requested (one would expect that it's a default gconf setting) and changing it to something that Macs commonly have.

John Ralls

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