Re: How do I update ONLY GLib?

--- Tristan Van Berkom <tvb gnome org> wrote:

> On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 15:25 -0600, Warren Fenlon wrote:
> > Hi.  I have been working on a glade project and in the process of
> > coding the callbacks, I discovered that my version of glib was old â??
> > something like 2.1?  One of the functions I need was added in 2.8, and
> > after looking at the recent announcements, I decided to get version
> > 2.12.4 (not TOO bleeding edge and seemed stable enough not having any
> > updates for > 2 months).  So I downloaded the tar.gz, expanded it, ran
> > configure (all defaults), and make/make install.  That all went
> > smoothly.  I realized since I was using the defaults on configure that
> > I was changing my prefix from /usr to /usr/local.  I considered this
> > to be a GOOD thing since if I messed up my system that I could go back
> > to my previous glib incarnation.  I thought to myself that all I would
> > need to do after that was to update my Makefile to include these
> > different glib dirs, but that did not work.  My compile is failing to
> > find a function that is in 2.12, but not in 2.1.  So my questions are:
> > 1. Is there a way to safely take 2.12.4 Glib for a test drive without
> > overwriting my older Glib?  2.  Can I possibly just reconfigure GTK
> > and/or the other dependent libs to recognize my new Glib version?
> Typically you would want to update your system glib using your
> package manager (synaptic ?).
> If you want to install a tarball by hand in an optional prefix,
> thats what you did.
> I usually write a simple little script like this to build & test
> stuff in an optional prefix:
> ===============================
> PREFIX=/opt/gnome
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig
> ===============================
> And then feeding in /opt/gnome to the --prefix arg of configure.
> You should be able to test your glib in /usr/local by simply
> typing "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./myprogram".
> Cheers,
>                      -Tristan
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> gtk-list gnome org

I can send you the most up to date version of my tool (see signature), it will
build you 'glib' in a local directory, not requiring root permission and not
overwriting anything at system level.

All you'll have to do will be to use a command more or like this one:

~/AppsFromScratch/20061104/bin/ -make_like -check_with_ldd -targets_to_build glib
1>build.log 2>&1 &

The tool downloads sources from the net.

You can also build gtk+ and glade.


P.S. I have just rebuilt glib-2.12.6, gtk+-2.10.6.

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