Re: Documentation about the GTK+ Standard Args

I don't see any replies yet (BTW,  you're date is a little behind ;-)).

Just find any gtk application and run "app --help" to find the options.


On Mon, 14 Aug 2000 16:54:50 Andrew Ferguson wrote:
 | [ I posted this to gtk-app-devel-list gnome org some time ago and
 | recieved little response, hence I have reposted it here; perhaps
 | someone on this list will tell me if what I have done is a good, bad,
 | or ugly thing. Thanks.]
 | Hi,
 | In the GTK+ tutorial, it is mentioned that there are several standard
 | arguments that GTK+ accepts (the one's parsed for by
 | gtk_init(&argc, &argv) ).
 | I was unable to find any documentation on these arguments (except for
 | two email messages to the main GTK+ list). So, I have looked in the
 | GTK+ code and put up a webpage with my findings, if anyone on the list
 | could go to
 | and tell me about an errors, additions, etc., I would be most obliged.
 | Also, is any of this information wanted by the FAQ or tutorial
 | maintainers? Thanks.
 | _________________________________________________
 | Andrew Ferguson
 | | andrew owsla cjb net
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