Re: gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline to Gresource conversion

On Wed, 6 Sep 2017 11:22:25 +0100
Chris Vine <vine35792468 gmail com> wrote:

I am not going to answer your question I am afraid, but I am going to
make the observation that since GTK+2 will not be updated except for
bug fixes, unless you are thinking of porting your code to GTK+3 or
GTK+4 you might as well leave it as it is.  If the warning bothers
you, you can add -Wno-deprecated-declarations to your CFLAGS to
suppress it.

Thanks, Chris.

I was afraid that might be the case.

As a general rule, I dislike code that litters the countryside with
warnings. Yeah, it compiles, and yeah, it runs, but those warnings are
usually there for a reason, and sometimes mask other more serious
problems. So I think it is best practice to not allow warnings to creep
into one's code.

As for porting to GTK+3 or 4, would I not have the same problem?

Enough venting. Thanks for the thought.


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