Re: g_spawn_async_with_pipes

On Sat, 2011-02-12 at 20:52 +0100, David NeÄas wrote:
On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 01:31:18PM -0500, Dad wrote:
If I am going to run the following command line prompt from my
application run-time ->

echo '\version "2.12" \relative {\clef "alto" c4 d e f g a b c}'
| /usr/bin/lilypond --output=myscale.png -

using g_spawn_async_with_pipes() how on earth do I set the input of
lilypond to suck up the output of echo (notice the pipe)?  Am I thinking
incorrectly here?

Well, yes, you do; g_spawn_async_with_pipes() runs a program (similarly
to execve()).  It does not invoke the shell.  The pipes in its name
indicate that *your program* will communicate with the subprocess using
pipes, not that you pass a shell pipeline.

So, to use g_spawn_async_with_pipes() you should obtain the subprocess'
standard input â from argument standard_input â and send the input there
from your program instead of echoing it.

I am not aware of GLib wrapper that would work like system(), i.e.
invoke a shell (there was some in libgnome, IIRC).

Anyway I find it all a bit awkward: if you don't *have to* pass the data
to the standard input of lilypond isn't creating a temporary file with
the entire input simpler?


Hi Yeti,

Well yes, it is simpler.  And, you are correct, it is awkward.  I just
had this vision of two g_spawn_async_with_pipes() hooked together.
Running echo output &echo_out directly into lilypond's input &echo_out
as if they "may" share &echo_out.  I will need to test/hack this.  I
hate hacking.  I wish we had more examples here in linux land!

I just thought it would be more efficient and quicker to send data
directly to lilypond instead of a file location.  

Craig Bakalian

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