Re: Build and install a new input method?

On 10/6/10, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
On Wed, 2010-10-06 at 07:56 +0700, John Matthewman wrote:

Thanks for that - though I was hoping to see a simple makefile so I
could make a bit more sense of what's going on. (Not a fan of

Just watch the output when you do "make install" then.

I've got things working almost the way that I'd like them - now I just
have one more question. What's the easiest way to toggle the system
input method? I only use Simple and my Vietnamese (TELEX) input
method, so ideally I would have a little script that I could bind to a
function key and it toggles between the two input methods. Would I
just write a little shell script that re-sets the GTK_IM_MODULE
environment variable..?

I wouldn't mind setting the input method on a per-application basis,
but some apps mess with the right-click context menus so I can't
change the input method that way.

Thanks in advance for any tips!

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