GtkTreeView in VBox

Hi All,
Is it possible to add GtkTreeView inside VBox and then add that VBox to
ScrolledWindow using gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(sw,vbox).
GtkTreeView has inbuilt scrolling support hence it is expected to add it
directely to scrolledwindow using gtk_container_add but in some weird
case i want to pack treeview in vbox which will eventually be placed in
It works fine for most of the cases but if i am having long list of
elements packed inside it then it behaves very randomly when my
scrolledwindow adjustment value is between some range [17000 - 27000] it
again works fine once adjustment moves beyond that. 
Since i am not adding treeview directely to scrolledwindow treeview
adjustments and scrolledwindow adjustments may not be in sync but if i
manually set treeview adjustments then i get double scrolling [scrolled
window + treeview] which i don't want.
Is this expected/supported use case or am i doing something wrong here?
Thanks for your time.

Thanks and Regards,

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