
Hi, I'm having some problems and confusion.  I am trying to truncate all text not visible in a GtkTextView 
but am getting very different results depending on if the text has any "\n" characters or not even if they 
all appear after where I would truncate. 

Here is the test case:

The text I provide will full up 5 lines in the GtkTextView which is only 3 lines high.  I try to truncate so 
that after loading, you will only have the first three lines and scrolling down ends after the third line.  
With the string that has a newline between the 4th and 5th wrapped lines it doesn't work.  With the text that 
has no newlines, it works fine.

I'm compiling like this:

   gcc test2.c -o test2 `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` 

And run like this:

   ./test2 0 # For bad case where down arrow three times show text not truncated


   ./test2 1 # For good case where buffer is truncated to only what fits in viewable area

Thanks in advance for any help.

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