Re: gdk-pixbuf

Just loop over the pixels and calculate a gray level through a linear
combination of R, G, and B. For example ppmtopgm uses:

grey = .299 r + .587 g + .114 b

Then assign the resulting gray to the red, green, and blue components, and
voila! You've got yourself a gray scale image.

See my previous post for an example of how to loop over a GdkPixbuf.


2008/12/18 frederico schardong <frede sch gmail com>

 I need some API, which has the power to transform any RGB image to
grayscale (8-bit) and I can map the image, creating a vast array[height in
pixels][width in pixels] in which each cell has a value from 0 to 255,
corresponding to the values of the pixels.

With gdk-pixbuf can I do that?
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