Re: timeout function not called


I have tried to add gtk_main_iteration in various places but it still 
won't work. Also I just want the bar to pulse while growPart is running  - 
just to show something is happening. After grow Part is finished, I want 
to run the ext2resize utility and have a progress bar pulsing through that 
also. I figure whatever solution I get for the growPart can then be 
applied to ext2resize.


control hasn't been returned to gtk_main yet?) at which point it is
removed. If I take out the g_source_remove it runs beautifully....but 
after growPart has completed. How can I get around this?

Thanks so much


I think you can use gtk_main_iteration() to tell gtk handle some of
the pending events. However, unless the progress of the bar is not
related to the computation in growPart, wouldn't it be better to
update the progress bar status from the inside of the growPart


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