Multithreading question


Well, I'm developping a program platform, like steam, basically is a manager
for multiple programs I made. The problem is that when the program starts, a
Bootstrapping sequence starts...
This are the steps:

1)Init core objects
2)Load settings, language
3)Start gtk and load-up glade interface(one window with login at top of it,
and a text box in the bottom; this entry show the current action performed
in the process).
4)Get platform udates(if available) and install them
5)Get application list
6)Show the main window
7)Check applications versions and download them

Now, look at the point 3, if i just add things to the entry it will lock and
is like nothing, I want the actual action to be displayed on time.
So a thread can be executed to update the list.
And the same thing happens on point 7, I don't want that when the platform
is downloading  I can't do anything else because of a diedlock.

The problem is that i tryed to do this, but sometimes the thread almost
don't let gtk's thread run, and this is a huge problem.

There is some way of doing it without this kind of trouble? Or even better,
is possible to rewrite the gtk_main() on the main program, so it run some
callbacks inside a new thread?

Thanks guys.


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