Unusual seg fault issues with glade project

I have a Glade project (Gtk2) that is behaving obscurely. It is a 3 window 
application with a treeview that contains 3 string and one pixbuf columns. 

I have a signal connected to a menu item. That menuitem function calls a odbc 
query function and in the data return loop it calls another draw function to 
graph the results in a treeview pixbuf cell.

The application was segfaulting  during the menuitem function. I added a 
printf() line in the top of this function (debugging),that stopped it 
segfaulting, and now calls the odbc function properly. Bizzare!

As the odbc function loops through the returned data set, the draw function 
produces errors indicating  the iter is NULL. If I call this function 
directly from another menuitem function, it works perfectly. But having the 
odbc calling it, causes problems.

Has anyone seen this sort of thing before. Is it something to do with having 3 
windows open and the the odbc call working as though it is "parentless"?

I really would appreciate some assistance. Cannot find many docs about dealing 
properly with multiple windows, except the glade faq that says "define each 
window globally". I think I need a more verbose description.


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