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I'd like to find the files mime type in a GTKmm application.
I found that GTK+ has some crosss-platform mime-type functionality
in header file xdgmime/xdgmime.h -

const char *xdg_mime_get_mime_type_for_file(const char *file_name);

Sound's like the thing I need, but this is some private header
and not included in GTK+ installed header files. It is used
by FileSelector. I suppose I could get a FileInfo from FileSelector
and then ask for the mime type. Are there any sample apps/demos for FileSelector ? How can one use it?
The reason I'd like to use GTK+ mime-type system is that I'd like my
app to be cross-platform (e.g. win32 too) and therefore using gnome-vfs
would be a problem.



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