Separators not being drawn in GtkItemFactory

        Hi, I am trying to use GtkItemFactory to create a menu bar in my
application. While everything works great, the problem that I am having
is that the separators are not showing up. The problem is not with a
specific dropdown menu or item. They don't show up anywhere across the
entire menu bar. I created the item factory using the examples in the
tutorial and no matter what I have tried, nothing has helped.

         Here is the array that I have constructed:

static GtkItemFactoryEntry menubar_entries[] = {
     /* Path                  Accel,     Callback,     Action, Type */
     /* File Menu */
     { "/_Archive",            NULL,      NULL,               0, "<Branch>" },
     { "/Archive/_New",        "<CTRL>N", NULL,               1, "<StockItem>", "gtk-new"  },
     { "/Archive/_Open...",    "<CTRL>O", NULL,               1, "<StockItem>", "gtk-open" },
     { "/Archive/_Save",       "<CTRL>S", NULL,               1, "<StockItem>", "gtk-save" },
     { "/Archive/Save _As...", "<CTRL>W", NULL,               1, "<StockItem>", "gtk-save-as" },
     { "/Archive/sep1",        NULL,      NULL,               0, "<Separator>" },
     { "/Archive/C_reate CD",  NULL,      NULL,               0, "<StockItem>", "gtk-cdrom" },
     { "/Archive/sep3",        NULL,      NULL,               0, "<Separator>" },
     { "/Archive/_Close",      "<CTRL>C", NULL,               1, "<StockItem>", "gtk-close" },
     { "/Archive/_Quit",       "<CTRL>Q", gtk_main_quit,      1, "<StockItem>", "gtk-quit" },

     /* Edit Menu */
     { "/_Edit",               NULL,      NULL,               0, "<Branch>" },
     { "/Edit/Add",            NULL,      gui_add_target,     1, "<StockItem>", "gtk-add" },
     { "/Edit/Remove",         NULL,      NULL,               1, "<StockItem>", "gtk-remove" },
     /* View Menu */
     { "/_View",           NULL,      NULL,         0,      "<Branch>" },
     { "/View/Plugins",    NULL,      NULL,         0,      "<Branch>" },
     { "/View/Plugins/Show Frame", NULL, NULL,      1,      "<RadioItem>" },
     { "/View/Plugins/Hide Frame", NULL, NULL,      1,      "/View/Plugins/Show Frame" },
     { "/View/sep1",       NULL,      NULL,         0,      "<Separator>" },
     { "/View/Summary",    NULL,      NULL,         0,      "<Branch>" },
     { "/View/Summary/Show Summary", NULL, NULL,         1,      "<RadioItem>" },
     { "/View/Summary/Hide Summary", NULL, NULL,         1,      "/View/Summary/Show Summary" },
     /* Settings Menu */
     { "/_Settings",               NULL,      NULL,               0, "<Branch>", NULL    },
     { "/Settings/Preferences...", "<CTRL>P", gui_open_prefs_window, 0, "<StockItem>", "gtk-preferences" },
     /* Help Menu */
     { "/_Help",         NULL,      NULL,         0,      "<Branch>", NULL    },
     { "/Help/Manual",   NULL,      NULL,         0,      "<StockItem>", "gtk-help" },
     { "/Help/FAQ",      NULL,      NULL,         0,      "<Item>", NULL      },
     { "/Help/sepX",     NULL,      NULL,         0,      "<Separator>", NULL },
     { "/Help/About",    NULL,      NULL,         0,      "<StockItem>", "gnome-stock-about" },

Mitko Haralanov
voidtrance at comcast dot net
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