Re: pango font problem under windows

On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 07:57:22PM +0000, Tor Lillqvist <tml iki fi> wrote:
1) Firstly, Pango on Windows looks for the pango.aliases and
pango.modules files based on the location of the Pango DLL. If the
pango DLL is <foo>\bin\libpango-1.0-0.dll or <foo>\libpango-1.0-0.dll,
the pango.aliases and pango.modules files should be in
<foo>\etc\pango. (I.e. if the folder the DLL is in is named "bin", the
"etc" folder should be a sibling to it, otherwise the "etc" folder
should be a subfolder of it.)
 I could find libpango-1.0.0.dll in two places, I think it's because
later I installed the runtime environment as well, to check if it's
solve my problem - it's not.
1) system32\libpango-1.0-0.dll and
system32\etc\pango\pango.[aliases|modules] exists.
2) PF\CF\GTK\2.0\lib\libpango-1.0-0.dll
PF\CF\GTK\2.0\etc\pango\pango.[aliases|modules] exists.

So, if the "dropline" GTK installer puts the Pango DLLs in the
system32 folder, Pango should indeed be looking for its etc folder as
system32\etc\pango, and I don't know why it doesn't find it.
 Neither do I, but system32\etc\gtk-2.0\gtkrc is the correct rc file for
GTK. If I change the font there and trying to start my application, then
I get a font problem regarding to that. So it may be an other problem,
as now I get that "Times New Roman 10" could not be loaded in the first
place. Dunno why, from OOo 1.1.0 I can use it. :-( Can it be because the
additional metric (ie "Times New Roman 10" instead of "Times New

2) Actually, it is possible to override the above way to locate the
Pango top folder by using the Registry key. Does the dropline
installer add a HKCU\Software\pango 1.2.5\InstallationDirectory or
HKLM\Software\pango 1.2.5\InstallationDirectory string value to the
 No, only GTK's location is set HLM\Software\GTK+ Development
Environment\2.0\Path. It shows the correct location. Also, it's only
Pango 1.2.0, don't know if it's matter.

3) But, an important point is that an installer definitely should
*not* put anything in the system32 folder. Installing 3rd-party stuff
into the Windows system(32) folders is a big no-no.
 I agree.

As you can guess from above, you probably should ask more information
from the people behind the dropline GTK installers...
 Thanks already! Just posted a note on their forums.


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