Re: "Official GNOME 2 Developers Guide" (for newbies like me)

Marshall Lake wrote:
Just got back from Linux World Expo and I finally found a good printed
book for GTK2 (and various other GNOME libs) from No Starch Press.  Its
suppose to be out in Feb of 2004 and will be available on  I checked out a preliminary printed copy and it looks
like a great book for the beginner and beyond.

Oreilly ( is also taking preorders.  I suggest people
pick this one up as it not only goes over the various libs but but shows
how to use them to integrate your app into the GNOME framework.

It appears it's the same book at both nostarch and oreilly.  It might be a
little cheaper at oreilly, though, since I believe the price includes

No Starch Press is the publisher, and O'Reilly is the distributer...

I spoke with the President of No Starch Press at the conference and he said he would send me a PDF of the book, cause it released under some licence (forgot what its called) that allows that. I will ask him if its ok to forward to the list when I get it.

I am probably going to preorder from O'Reilly today. Nothing like holding it in your hand...heh.


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