RE: Tree View Tutorial (Request for Comments)

I have written a GtkTreeViewTutorial (for C), which you can find here:
Thank you! This tutorial has been needed for a long time.

I have used the tree view in almost every wrong way conceivable. 

Same here.  I've gone through my notes regarding the use of GtkTreeView 
and you have explained just about everything that I have struggled
to figure out.

Here are three things that you may wish to add:

1) How to programmatically select a cell and make it editable by using 

2) How to make the expander triangle visible on a tree row that has no
children.  Someone asks about this every few months.  Look at the
thread "How to force the visibility of a GTK2 treeview row expander"
in gtk-app-devel-list from May, 2003 or use this URL:

3) How to convert a *GtkTreeViewColumn to a column number. See the
following post by Andrej Prsa on how to do this:

Ken Rastatter, Design Engineer
Honeywell Sensotec
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