Re: Is it possible to globally change the text input method?

- "X Input Method" is not "X11"

Sorry, you're right, my bad.

- export GTK_IM_MODULE="xim" will make that the default

Great.  Just what we were looking for.

- As I said, upgrade to the current version of GTK+, this problem
  has been fixed, with no need for workarounds.

Unfortunately that doesn't help our customers who either buy retail
Red Hat CD's, or download ISO's from the net, as they will have the
old, broken, libraries.  The workaround is for them, and for us as we
have to test against what the customers will have.  We'll doc the
problem/workaround, but some customers simply cannot download code
from the net and build it, and we're not in the business of distributing
Linux code/libraries that we didn't write and don't support.

Thanks for the help.


Alan Amaral                                 al amaral east sun com
It's not a Sun product called PCi, it's a product called SunPCi...

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