Extract frames from AVI

Hello, my name is Manel Rodríguez and I'm from Girona (Spain).
First of all sorry for my english because is very bad.

I have to do a project about avi files in the university (Galadriel Framework
project). We have a software (write in QT and C++) that makes diferents
filters, and others things to images. This images are loaded at the begining
from my hard disk. This images are taken by a underwater robot (25 images by
second) and save it to hard disk.

Now we want to load a video file and separate all the frames to pass a filter
for each image in this video.
This video can be codec with divx, or another similar.
Whe want to save the original video with the changes in each image. This
program now runs on windows and linux machines. This new plugin it must run on
windows and linux machines.

Do you understand what whe want to do?
GTK libraries can load videos (avis with diferent codecs or without codecs)
and separete all frames from each second of my videos? can save a video and
runs on windows and linux machies?


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