Re: persistent popup menus

I have a need for this type popup menu because the popup menus I am using in my programs contain grouped radio and check menu items and I want the user to be able to select multiple options from the menu without having to click somewhere to popup the menu again after he selects an option. Please let me know if there is a way to do this in GTK 1.2 or if not then what alternatives I can look to in order to accomplish such a thing.

I don't know how to accomplish exactly what you described (make a popup menu persist from click to click without flashing), but, from your description, this part of your program sounds like an excellent case for using a property dialog. Instead of putting your check items and radio buttons on the popup menu itself, you can create a popup menu with an 'edit properties' item, and open up a new 'item properties' window containing the necessary check boxes and radio buttons if the user clicks that menu item.

Page 34 of the gnome human interface guidelines has more information on creating effective, easy-to-use popup menus, including what kind of actions they should contain, how to lay them out, and some pitfalls to avoid. Pages 15 and 16 have a bunch of good information on creating properties dialogs that will allow new users to feel . If you don't already have a copy of the HIG, you can get the pdf from:

Hope that helps!

The page numbers are from the document itself, not the pdf. For example, page 15 of the document is actually page 27 of the pdf file.

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