Re: X Terminal gives errors running GTK app..

error 167. hmmmm I got something like that before
(I dont remember which error it was) but I know
who spewed the output. If I'm not mistaken it's
in the $(topsrcdir)/gdkx/ directory. This error
comes straight from the Xserver. you'll probably need
that source (or really good doc) to trace what 
exactly the error was.

Good luck!

Geert Vanderkelen wrote:


I'm using a Sun Ultra as X Terminal to my RedHat workstation.
When my GTK2 application should show a GtkDialog, it crashes with an X
Window System Error '167'. Something todo with gdk_x_error().
On an other Sun Ultra, another X Terminal to the same X server, has the
same problems and can't even start GnomeTerminal. It crashes on it. I
will do some more debugging today on this matter..

I looked in earlier messages and there was a patch of somekind a year
ago for the gtk_init() for using the DISPLAY environment variable.

Using the latest versions of GTK2 libs and RedHat 7.3.. I hope it has
nothing to do with my gcc ;)

My GtkEntry is ready for taking input ;-)



Geert Vanderkelen
Ypsilon.Net AG

Geert Vanderkelen
Kemuri.Org wishlist:

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