gtk_main_quit () problem


I've written a simple gtk2-application (my first ;-). It works, but it
has problems while exiting.
Event function 1 is connected to a button (clicked) and works great.
Event function 2 is connected to an entry (activate) and works too but
returns a "Segmentation fault" to the xterm. Where is my problem?
Perhaps this problem is not gtk specific. But I hope someone could point
me to the error.


/* event function1 */
void cancel( GtkWidget *widget,  gpointer data )
  gtk_main_quit ();

/* event function 2*/
void run (GtkWidget *widget, GtkWidget *entry )
  const gchar *entry_text;
  gchar *parm;
  gchar **parmv;
  gint parm_counter = 0;
  gint ret_val;
  entry_text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry));
  if (!(strcmp (entry_text, "")))

  /* tokenize the sting in all arguments */
  parm = strtok ( (char*) entry_text, (const char*) " ");
  while (parm != NULL)
    parmv[parm_counter] = parm;
    parm = strtok (NULL, (const char*) " ");
  parmv[parm_counter] = (void*) NULL;

  if (parmv[0] == NULL)

  /* execute the process with all args */
  ret_val = execvp (parmv[0], parmv);
  /* exit if the process couldn't start */
  if (ret_val == -1)
    g_print ("Exit\n");
    gtk_main_quit ();         /* This returns a "Segmentation fault".
But Why?*/

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