Re: Color Select

Black <cpa ece cmu edu> writes: 
      However, my first problem is with the behavior of the color
selector. Why doesn't the wheel colors darken with the bar next to it? I
fired up gimp, which uses this same color selector and noticed that that
one had the same problem, so I assume there isn't a work around for

That's just how it works, the colors in the wheel always stay at full
value so you can see them even if you are at a low value.
      My second problem is not as obvious, however. When I open the
selector, I disable the spinners. However, I still want to be able to
"pick up" colors with the mouse. I tried to reset the open selector with
the same gtk_color_selection_set_color(), but now it just turns black, no
matter what color I've picked. Why would this work before I show it and
not after? Is there something I'm missing? Any help would be greatly

I'm not sure what you're asking here. You call
gtk_widget_set_sensitive() on the spinners, and then you can't


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