Re: Focus navigation in GTK 1.2

On Sun, 2 Sep 2001 17:26:20 -0300 (BRT), Christian Robottom Reis said:

 I've been wondering about how focus navigation is controlled in GTK. I now
 understand that each widget can be configured focusable or not - labels,
 for instance, are not by default - and that we cycle focus more or less
 sequentially on tab (and shift-tab back). However, I still wonder about
 this point:
 Is there a "focus position" or "order" by which one could specify which
 widget comes after which when tabbing? Or does GTK calculate this
 automatically and we accept what we get? It seems strange, because this
 reduces accessibility somewhat, and makes larger interfaces hard on
 mouseless users.

I think it goes by the order in which the widgets were created.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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