Parse error

Hi all, I'm getting a very strange error in a very simple thing. I'm
passing a pointer of GtkDrawingArea to a function and the header has a
line that contains an error:

Line 15: void paintWnd(GtkDrawingArea*, cor**, unsigned int, unsigned

And yes, I have on the top of the header:
#include <gtk\gtk.h>

The function is defines as follows in the respective .c:
void paintWnd  (GtkDrawingArea *darea, cor **vp, unsigned int h,
unsigned int w) {

cor is a structure like the following:
typedef struct cor {
  unsigned char r;
  unsigned char g;
  unsigned char b;
} cor;

And I get the following error:
gtk_funct.h:15: parse error before `cor'

That's what I know... nothing more and I can't find the god damn error.
Can anybody help?

Best regards,


+------------------Paulo J. Matos aka PDestroy--------------------+
|  ICQ # 361853  | | pdestroy netcabo pt |
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|  "Fixed width font LIVEZ!"     |  "Portability came to rule!"   |

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