widget won't display in GtkLayout

i wrote a widget that inherits from GtkWidget. it displays correctly in
everything i've tried so far (boxes, buttons, windows, etc.), but not in
a layout. unfortunately, the widget i'm putting it in is inherited from
GtkLayout ( ineed the positioning and scrolling functions).

the widget just does not display while others do. i also tried it in a
plain GtkLayout.

the example widget, GtkDial, doesn't display either. so i am guessing
that there is some sort of signal that neither my widget nor GtkDial is
listening for. is that so?

anything else that could cause this problem?



100 buckets of bits on the bus
100 buckets of bits
Take one down, short it to ground
FF buckets of bits on the bus

FF buckets of bits on the bus
FF buckets of bits
Take one down, short it to ground
FE buckets of bits on the bus...

ad infinitum...

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