[gthumb-list] Some odd quirks

Firstly, I must apologize.  The last time I sent anything to this list
I was supposed to look into something and report back and I unfortunately
failed to follow up on that.  So for that I apologize.  I should have some
spare time soon, and then I'll try to go back and complete what I said I
would do.

In the meantime, I did want to ask about a few things that seem not
to be working properly.  As before, these may perhaps be FreeBSD-only
issues.  I really haven't researched these things at all yet, so I don't

1)  The first thing is that it appears to me that whenever I have gthumb
running, I am unable to umount any removable file systems.  This includes,
specifically, /cdrom and /usbflash.  I have verified repeatedly that when
I have trouble umount'ing these things and I am running gthumb, that exiting
from gthumb immediately cures the problem and I can then umount the filesystems.

I wonder if I am the only one who has every experienced this.  I think that
it must have something to do with the nice hierarchically structured summary
view of the entire filesystem that appears in the left margin of gthumb.
My guess is that gthumb is opening the things at the top level, like /cdrom
and then leaving them open as it works.  If so, that would expalin why
FreeBSD won't let me umount these things.

2)  I may have (and probably did) snafu my local installed copy of gthumb
the last time I was messing with it, and perhaps that explains this other
problem, but whenever I start uip gthumb, I get the following warnings in
the xterm window that I start it from:

** (gthumb:31370): WARNING **: Could not load the 'cairo_io' extension: Could not open the module `cairo_io`: 
/usr/local/hacked/lib/gthumb/extensions/libcairo_io.so: Undefined symbol 

** (gthumb:31370): WARNING **: Could not load the 'pixbuf_savers' extension: `gthumb_extension_activate': 
Undefined symbol "gthumb_extension_activate"

** (gthumb:31370): WARNING **: Could not load the 'image_rotation' extension: `gthumb_extension_activate': 
Undefined symbol "gthumb_extension_activate"

Obviously, something isn't right, but I haven't had the time to investigate.
Everything in gthumb seems tto work oK, so for the time being I can ignore
these messages, but I would like to know what's causing them.

Does anybody have a clue they could share with me about this?

3)  This may perhaps relate to the warnings I've described above, but when I
am looking at a single image, and I click on the palette and then ask to
rotate the current image, the rotation occurs with no problem, but tnen when
I click on `save', I get a very small pop-up window with an error in in and
the error message says:

        Could not save the file
        Could not find a suitable module
        to save the image as "image/jpeg"

It's not a bit deal.  I have other tools that I can use to rotate JPEGs.
But clearly gthumb should be able to both rotate and save the rotated image,
so I guess this just sort of annoys my sense of completness.

Again, if anybody kowns anything that might be helpful to my understanding
of this, please let me know.  Thanks.

Of the three problems listed above, only the first is actually annoying me.


P.S.  Please reply on-list to avoid hassels with my spam filters.

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