Re: [gthumb-list] Extension idea: auto-rotate

On 03/09/2010 03:58 AM, Matthias Hawran wrote:
Yes so in fact I'm asking to reintroduce the "Reset Exif orientation"
I never used this function in 2.10.x

The "Reset Exif orientation" function did something different. All it did was reset the exif orientation tag to "top left". It didn't physically transform the data.

However, I may have misunderstood what you are trying to do.

I wouldn't enable it by default, though. Too obscure.
What do you mean by "enable"? You mean the extension?
What do you mean by "obscure"

If the extension is included with gThumb, it can be enabled or disabled by default. I would disable this by default, because the average user will not need it, and would be confused by its function.

The [&  ] sequence doesn't fix the images.
In 2.10.x it does fix them.

Time for a detailed (step-by-step) bug report with sample images, then.

Orientation tag problems get confusing at times.

- Mike

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