[PATCH 0/1] [V3] Add Cache in GrlNet


This third revision basically tries to reuse the libsoup cache across all
grlnet instances.

This way, we can get rid of "identifier", as cache will be stored in a specific

What does this mean? As cache is shared across all instances, there are some
operations that affects all of them.

As example, if one instance changes the maximum cache size, it will be
reflected on all instances.

Juan A. Suarez Romero (1):
  grl-net: Use libsoup cache

 configure.ac          |    4 +
 libs/net/Makefile.am  |    6 +
 libs/net/grl-net-wc.c |  333 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 libs/net/grl-net-wc.h |    6 +
 4 files changed, 344 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

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