Re: Proposal for change notifications

On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 14:04:23 +0100, Guillaume Emont <gemont igalia com> wrote:
I was thinking of that in a slightly different way: when will the
application need notification?
The only case I can think of where an application might want change
notification, is if that change concerns something it is currently
displaying (be it a container it's browsing, or a search/query result).
I might be biased by my elisa/moovida experience, but in that case, I
think that was the only notifications we ever needed. I would be
interested to know of other
So, how about a mechanism to request notifications along with a search
or browse?
Basically, that would mean to add an operation_id to the
update_notify_add() thing:

grl_media_source_update_notify_add(GrlSource *source,
				guint operation_id,
				GrlMediaSourceUpdatedCb callback,
				gpointer user_data);

grl_media_source_update_notify_remove(GrlSource *source,
				guint notify_id);

For the (probably common) case where the back end cannot provide
"restricted" notification, maybe the core could provide a helper/default
implementation where it does the filtering of notifications.
If there are cases that I didn't see where a more generic notification
"of everything" is needed, the caller can set operation_id to 0.

Probably all this makes sense, at least in theory, since I agree clients would (at least in most cases) be interested only in receiving notificatons about operations they performed in the past. That said, however, I think most backends will not provide support for that kind of thing natively, meaning that the actual implementation of this thing would be missing in most cases or would have to be done by hand (that is, upon notification that something has changed in the service, the plugin would have to know what changes these were exactly and check, for all registered ops if they would be affected, and then for each one emit a notification).

So, even in the case this is doable, and even in the case it is not as inefficient as it looks like, I also think we should only switch to that kind of thing if the simpler approach is proved insufficient. After all, for the client is very easy to ignore a change notification it is not interested in, but implementing query-based notifications in all plugin/core is far from trivial (and I do not even want to consider the case we have filters in the queries :)).

So for me it is more a question of whether the benefits of the fancier solution brings is worth the extra complexity and problems derived from it, and for now, I think it is not worth it.


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