Re: 2 curves ... frustrating

G'day Jouke,
I've mocked it up, please see the attached. "Jouke_example.gnumeric"
The trick is to plot as an XY graph.
2 seperate plots.
Add a second X axis
Associate the second plot with the second X axis.
You should be able to see all this done if you right click the graph and select "properties" I find charts in gnumeric a joy to work with nowadays, especially compared to my frustrations with some competing product that I used to use a number of years ago. All the charty kind of hackers in gnumeric have done a fantastic job say I. (I think that was Jean in particular but really haven't been following so sorry if I've got that incorrect.)

jouke hijlkema wrote:

I'm having a little problem that frustrates me a lot ... I have to data series one for 2007 and one for 2008. Dates coupled to values. I try to put both curves in one plot. I can't get both curves to superimpose, I tried to substract 365 from the 2007 dates but that doesn't work. I'm sure this must be possible but I can't get it to work ... help please.


data for 2007:

27-Jan    0
29-Jan    19
30-Jan    27
1-Feb    31
2-Feb    35
4-Feb    44
5-Feb    46
26-Feb    104
2-Mar    113
12-Mar    115
15-Mar    122
26-Mar    160
28-Mar    166
30-Mar    172
5-Apr    193
10-Apr    202
21-Apr    214
23-Apr    214
27-Apr    215
2-May    218
5-May    223
15-May    232
23-May    238
29-May    247
23-Jun    254
21-Jul    259
11-Sep    266
27-Sep    272
10-Oct    283
25-Oct    312
1-Nov    336
17-Nov    388
15-Dec    491

data for 2008:
1-Jan    548
12-Jan    624
8-Mar    81
*It would have been slightly easier if you'd attached a spreadsheet with the data in it. Still nice to note the text importer works well from the clipboard.

Attachment: Jouke_example.gnumeric
Description: application/gnumeric

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