default web browser [was Re: program for file print preview]

On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, Jean Bréfort wrote:
The code calling evince is in gtk+, not gnumeric:

settings = gtk_settings_get_for_screen (screen); 
g_object_get (settings, "gtk-print-preview-command", &preview_cmd, NULL);

This returns the value of GTK_PRINT_PREVIEW_COMMAND which is defined in gtk/

If you want to change that, you need to change the settings for the
default screen, apparently (I do not know how this is feasible). Note
that given the way things work, the program called for the preview is
responsible for deletint the temporary pdf and the print settings file,
see for more 

Thanks Jean, this solved my preview problem.

I still have another problem is that gnumeric always use firefox as
web browser, eg. click the help / gnumeric on the web.  I have have
firefox installed, but I would like to use w3m as web browser. I
already export $BROWSER in ~/.profile
export BROWSER="/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/www-browser"
and www-browser is configured to link to /usr/bin/w3m. However
gnumeric seems ignore BROWSER envirnoment variable. So what should I

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