(no subject)

Hello together

Here is the following question. 

I would like to access directly the contents of a .gnumeric file.

Is there an c++-interface for this (say when the operating system is Linux)?

That is, I want to write a c++ program that reads data from a given
.gnumeric file manipulates it in a certain prescribed way and writes the
result into a new (or existing) .gnumeric file. 
A similar question for .xls files. 

I am definitely sure that there are such interfaces (defined by libraries,
classes ...)  for c++. 

Any hints are welcome.

Thank you for your help


In the case of the language Java the construction of an interface for
manipulating and building Excel files within a running Java routine is part
of the Jakarta project (cf. http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/). 

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