Re: Questions about libxml2 and GnomeVFS support in libgsf

Dave Malcolm <david davemalcolm demon co uk>:

Currently we have a half-hearted attempt to use GnomeVFS for loading
and saving files.  This works for simple cases involving absolute
paths, but fails if the user tries to specifies relative paths at
the command line (e.g. "conglomerate foo.xml"), or the file contains
entities with relative paths (e.g. a large DocBook document
represented as book.xml which merely includes chapter1.xml,
chapter2.xml, etc using entities), perhaps as siblings inside a
tarball or via ftp or something.

As I've said earlier: only use GnomeVFS for saving.  Let libxml2
handle the loading of files.  At least local files and files served
with HTTP.

If you do that, the catalog support of libxml2 will kick in, and much
of the external entity stuff will magically start working.

It will also automagically find DTDs installed locally on the major
linuxen, as well as finding the local copy of the DocBook XSLT style
sheets when referring to them by the canonical HTTP URL (the latter
not true for debian, until they get their XML Catalog stuff into

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